- English Language and English Literature (8 lessons per fortnight)
- Mathematics (8 lessons per fortnight)
- Science** (12 lessons per fortnight)
- Physical Education (3 lessons per fortnight)
- PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education) (1 lesson per fortnight)
- 3 Optional Subjects—one from each option block (6 lessons per fortnight)
**Dual certification – 2 GCSEs or Triple certification – 3 GCSEs (based on ability)
Pathway Curriculum
EBacc Pathway – If a student has been on either the Excelling or Mastery Plus Pathway at KS3 (or if they achieved above a 4b in English and Maths at KS2) we strongly advise them to take the English Baccalaureate. This means that they need to opt for both a Modern Foreign Language and either Geography or History.
Progress 8 Pathway – If a student was on the Securing or Mastery Pathways at KS3 (below 4b in English and Maths at KS2), they must select at least one stared subject from any of the option blocks. They can also opt to take the English Baccalaureate explained above.
Personalised Curriculum – If a student can read, write and speak a different modern foreign language with fluency e.g. Welsh or Greek, we may also be able to support them in achieving a GCSE in this subject which would count towards the EBacc.
Option A | Option B | Option C |
History* | Geography* | Physical Education |
Geography* | Art | Religious Education |
French* | Music | Drama |
Film Studies | Food Preparation & Nutrition | History* |
Technology | German* | Food Preparation & Nutrition |
Computer Science |
