
Please be aware that Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is currently under review, so please check back for updates.

St John’s School is committed to delivering the highest quality careers, education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) to all students from year 7 through to year 13, ensuring that all students have exposure to the best opportunities available to support their personal development and personal pathways.

Our aim is that when a student leaves St John’s School they are fully prepared for the next step for success, whatever that looks like for each individual student.

Careers guidance incorporates a full range of activity delivered under the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, as follows:

  • A stable careers programme
  • Learning from career and labour market information
  • Addressing the needs of each pupil
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experiences of workplaces
  • Encounters with further and higher education
  • Personal guidance

More information can be accessed here: Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby
Careers guidance and access for education and training providers: Careers guidance and access for education and training providers – GOV.UK (

Careers information, advice and guidance:

  • Aims of the careers programme at St John’s School:
  • To enable students to make informed choices about their future career paths.
  • To be committed to giving students insight into developments in careers information, including social media and networking.
  • To provide comprehensive information, advice and guidance in all student’s career education.


  • To provide opportunities for students to identify their strengths, aspirations and options through a variety of means, including discussions with subject teachers, class teachers and career staff.
  • To help students to understand and develop the necessary skills to equip them for whatever career path they choose.

To research and provide up-to-date information about the range of options available post 16 and post 18 focused on the UK.

The Career Teacher at St John’s School is:

Ms Bonar – Careers Lead Key Stage 5

Personal Guidance

Personal guidance describes one-to-one interactions which take place between a career’s adviser and a young person. Personal guidance is an opportunity for students to make sense of the careers activities they have experienced across the other benchmarks and reflect on what this means for their career plans. Personal guidance draws on career theory and models of practice to build rapport, explore a young person’s situation and career ideas, gently challenging if appropriate and filling in any gaps of knowledge and understanding and agreeing actions to enable a young person to move forward.  MOD schools benefit from the careers advisers being available throughout the year and students can access appointments when needed.

Personal guidance appointments are offered to all students from year 10 onwards, with every student accessing one such interview by the age of 16, and the opportunity for a further interview by the age of 18 or the end of their study programme.

The Careers Advisers for MOD School are:

Samantha Gray (Trainee Career Adviser, Student member of the CDI (Career Development Institute). Working towards the Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development.

Sue Moloney (Careers Adviser) Level 6 qualified and Member of Careers Development Institute

Careers Mailbox: [email protected]

CDI code of ethics: CDI Codes of Ethics (

Useful Careers Resources for Students and Parents: