As a school primarily established to serve the needs of a highly mobile military community, we are expert at ensuring your child settles quickly into our positive and supportive school community. Students whilst at St John’s School benefit from exceptional resources, housed in excellent, well maintained accommodation. Taught by experienced subject specialists in class sizes that average below twenty; students of all abilities and from all educational backgrounds are able to make rapid academic and pastoral progress.
Aided by the size of our student population, which numbers 300, we are well placed to support each and every child as an individual, where every aspect of their education and wider wellbeing is noticed and catered for.
Key Documents
Below are a range of documents that will help you make your decision and application.
If we can help in any way, please let us know.
- Educational Supportability Assessment Information Leaflet (OES Form 100) – Jul25
- Educational Supportability Assessment Request (OES Form 101) Ver 6 Jan24
- MOD Assessment of Supportability Overseas Information Leaflet (OES Form 107) (MASO) – Jan24
- DCS Guidance Placement out of Chronological Year Group v1.0 -Nov24
The School Admissions Officer
Mrs Hayley Twyford School Admissions Officer
[email protected]
T: +357 2596 3888 / 8003 / 8036
The Process
Step 1
Please download OES Form 100/101 from the key documents section above.
Please complete Form 101 and forward to our Admissions Officer as soon as possible. ([email protected])
Step 2
Mrs Twyford will review the Educational Supportability Assessment Request Form (101) and contact you should she require any further information. This will give you opportunity to find out a little bit more about the school and ask any questions you may have.
We will contact your child’s current school setting for further information. In most cases we will then be able to issue a Confirmation of Educational Supportability.
Please note that the Confirmation of Educational Supportability Certificate can only be issued during term time and is only valid for six months from the date of issue.
Please ensure that you apply for your child’s place at St John’s School in time and aim to send your completed form by the last Friday in May for a September start.
If your child has additional medical or Special Educational Needs, a MASO may need to take place before an Educational Supportability can be considered (OES Form 107). In this case, please aim to send in your admissions forms by the end of April for a September start as a MASO can take up to 6-9 weeks. Any admissions after this date, which require a MASO, may result in children not receiving a Confirmation of Educational Supportability for a September start.
The MOD has introduced a new Admission System – MOD Assessment for Supportability Overseas (MASO). This requires that certain information must be supplied by the parent and the prospective pupils’ current school before a Confirmation of Educational Supportability certificate can be issued, and a place offered.
Mrs Twyford will be able to advise you on what information is required.
Step 3
Once the Confirmation of Educational Supportability has been issued it must be forwarded to the Families Section:
E-mail: [email protected]
Step 4
When you have your flight confirmed please contact the school:
- Arrange an appointment for a tour of the school.
- Complete the admission process / specific paperwork for St John’s School.
- Facilitate the purchase of uniform.
On your child’s first day in school, we will:
- Introduce your child/children to their Form Tutor
- Introduce your child/children to their student buddy, who will assist in settling them into school and the wider community.
Non-Entitled Pupils
Children of parents who are not entitled to free education at St John’s School may attend on payment of fees, subject to the approval of the Headteacher.
People who work for the MOD are classified as “Entitled” therefore people who do not are classified as “Non-entitled”.
Current fees per student per term are:
- Sterling £2,815.32 per term [£8,445.96 per year].
- Please note that there are 3 terms per year.
- Fees have to be paid to the Admin Office, by the end of the first full working week after the commencement of each term.
Bills will be sent to parents during the previous term. Cheques should be made payable to “MOD Accounting Officer” and sent to the school Finance Supervisor at the school address.
We will be pleased to show prospective Non-entitled pupils and their parents around the school.
Please contact Mrs Twyford on +357 2596 8003 to arrange an appointment.
Home Schooling
If you decide on Elective Home Education whilst you’re posted overseas, further information can be found here: